Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One Lovely Blog Award

Thank you Carolina over @ Carolina Eclectic for giving our blog the "One Lovely Blog" award. We appreciate it! And to continue the awards ceremony, below are 15 blogs discovered in the last month that we find refreshing for so many reasons...see for yourself.


  1. thanks a latte. just kidding of course. i really like seesaw... very talented graphics firm!

  2. girl! you know i was kidding! i swear!!!!

  3. No way. No effing way. Thank you! Seriously--you made my day (and it's 11:30 at night so you know you had a lot of competition in the last 11 1/2 hours.)

    I will play it forward later this week :)

  4. Well, hello! And thanks so much for a lovely suprise - an award AND a fab new blog to subscribe to :-)

  5. Petunia Face- you are welcome! your posts are hilarious. i just about fall out of my chair every time i read your blog.

    Nechepurenka- i love the simplicity of your blog! can't get enough of your illustrations and quirky photos!!!!

    janne @ what's blogging my view- i love that there are no limits to what you blog about. always something new and refreshing!

  6. Thank you so much! And thank you for introducing me to your blog. I'm only two posts in and am already hooked. Must've been the mugs on those two sweet dogs of yours!! Thank you thank you thank you... this made my day, and I'm in pretty amazing company with those other blogs;)

  7. lil bee- love that i can go to your blog for anything...LOVE the photographs that you post
